Affidavit for Loss of Car Documents: There are easy steps to get an affidavit in Nigeria for loss of a car document and we will guide you through the steps. 

4 Steps to Get Affidavit for Loss of Car Documents in Nigeria

In Nigeria, losing essential documents such as car papers can be a stressful experience, especially considering the importance of these documents in proving ownership and legality of a vehicle.

You may want to know some of the car documents that you need to get an affidavit for. They are vehicle registration certificates, insurance certificates, roadworthiness certificates, and sometimes, the customs duty certificate if the car was imported.

Fortunately, the legal system in Nigeria provides a way to rectify the loss of a car document through the issuance of an affidavit. Let’s begin this journey with explaining what an affidavit is.

What is an Affidavit and its Importance for Loss of Car Documents?

An affidavit as a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court is a legal document that serves as a sworn statement of fact. 

In the context of lost car documents, an affidavit is used to declare the loss and to provide an official record that can be presented to relevant authorities, such as the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) or the police, as well as for reissuing the lost documents.

The affidavit serves other important purposes like:

  1. It acts as a legal declaration of the loss, which is necessary for the authorities to recognize the loss officially.
  2. It helps in preventing fraud by providing a sworn statement that the documents are genuinely lost, which can protect the car owner from potential legal issues.
  3. Also, it is a prerequisite for applying for reissue documents. Without the affidavit, authorities will not process requests for duplicate copies of lost documents.
  4. Additionally, in case of any disputes, the affidavit can serve as evidence of the owner’s intent to maintain proper documentation for the vehicle.

Steps to Get Affidavit for Loss of Car Documents

Obtaining an affidavit for the loss of car documents involves several steps and we will guide you through these steps. Below are the steps to take in getting an affidavit for loss of a car document in Nigeria:

1. Report the Loss

The first step is to report the loss of your car documents to the nearest police station. This is essential as it creates an official record of the loss, which is important for legal and insurance purposes. The police will issue a report, which is needed for the next steps.

2. Draft the Affidavit

This is the second step to get affidavit for loss of car documents in Nigeria. The affidavit must be drafted to include the following details:

  • Your full name.
  • Description of the vehicle.
  • Details of the lost documents.
  • Circumstances of the loss.
  • Date and location.
  • Declaration of intent.

You can draft the affidavit yourself or seek assistance from a legal professional to ensure that all necessary details are included.

3. Visit a Notary Public

After drafting the affidavit, take it to a commissioner for oaths. The commissioner will administer the oath and notarize the affidavit. 

This process involves swearing that the contents of the affidavit are true and correct to the best of your knowledge.

4. Submit the Affidavit

This is another step to get affidavit for loss of car documents in Nigeria. 

Once notarized, the affidavit can be submitted to the relevant authorities, such as the Vehicle Inspection Office (VIO), the FRSC, or the insurance company, depending on which documents need to be reissued. 

In some cases, you may also need to publish the loss in a national newspaper as an additional step to prevent fraudulent use of the lost documents. 


Consequences of Falsifying an Affidavit

There are some people who might want to play smart on the system by falsifying their affidavit. Do not be one of such people. 

It is important to note that falsifying an affidavit is a criminal offense under Nigerian law. Providing false information in an affidavit can lead to serious legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment. 

Therefore, it is important to ensure that all the information provided in the affidavit is accurate and truthful.

Get Affidavit for Loss of Car Documents in Nigeria

Losing your car documents in Nigeria can be a daunting experience, but the process of obtaining an affidavit for the loss of these documents provides a legal pathway to recover and reissue them.

If you follow the proper steps as listed above and ensure all information is accurate, as a car owner, you can resolve the issue with minimal stress. 

The affidavit for the loss of car documents is not just a formality but an important legal tool that safeguards the rights and interests of vehicle owners in Nigeria.