When your car battery has had a “nervous” breakdown, it is quite possible that you will need to jumpstart it. Not knowing how to do it will pose a serious threat. Jumpstarting a car is not as difficult as most people think it is. In this article, we will look at the easy steps taken to jumpstart a car.

Firstly, let us take a look at the basic requirements. 

  1. A pair of working jumper cable
  2. The vehicle with the flat battery needs to be in a spot where jumper cable can easily reach the battery.
  3. A different car with a fully charged battery (avoid a hybrid or electric car as this could cause damage).

Jumpstart a car

Steps to Jumpstart your Vehicle

Step 1: Line up both cars

Ensure that the cars are either parallel to each other or facing each other. Give just enough room for easy movement between the cars. Make sure their batteries are within reach but do not let the cars touch each other. Turn off the ignitions of both cars and keep the handbrakes on. Turn off the lights, radio, and all other accessories. Turn off the hazard flashers as well if the cars are parked in a secure location.

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Step 2: Prepare both Cars

Open up the hoods of both cars. Try to locate the battery. Sometimes you may find positive (+) and negative terminals (-) for jumpstarting instead of the conventional battery. Make sure the jumper cables are untangled and unwound.

Step 3: Connect the Cables

Using the red jumper cable/jump lead, connect the positive terminal of the dead car to the positive terminal of the booster/working car. Make certain that the clamp is securely and perfectly fitted to the battery terminal. Also, make sure no metal is touching the negative terminal of the dead car. 

Jumpstart a car

Now, still on the booster car, connect the negative end of the cable to the negative terminal. Once this is done, attach it to the negative terminal of the battery of the dead car. 

* If you feel uncomfortable doing this, please call in a professional or have someone help you. *

Step 4; Start the Booster Car

The next step is to start the booster car. Allow the car to run for about 3 to 5 minutes idly. This is to ensure it builds up enough charge to power the dead battery.

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Step 5: Start the Dead Car

Start the vehicle with the dead battery and let it idle for a few minutes. Look for alternative issues if the car won’t start but cranks fast when you rev the engine.

Step 6: Turn off the Vehicles and Carefully Disconnect the Jumper Cables

After turning off both vehicles, remove the jumper cables in the reverse order as you connected them. Start with the negative end on the dead car and work your way slowly in the reverse order to the booster car. Continue in that manner by removing the positive terminal on the booster car and lastly the positive terminal on the dead car.

Please note that while removing the cables, please hold them far away from any metal surface either of the car or the other end of the cables. 

Step 7: Restart Your Car

Now your car is ready for a restart. Drive it for at least 10 minutes to enable the alternator to charge the battery. Ensure to get your batteries checked out and tested to rule out any kind of problems.